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Helpful Remodeling Tips

Remodeling: Old vs. New

By January 6, 2009December 2nd, 2022No Comments

by Mina Fies

We are excited to announce the launch of our new website  Of course having a website is only the beginning of a dream come true for us, the real excitement comes from our mission to transform the remodeling industry!

We have seen very clearly that the way people currently go about remodeling their homes does not work.  From the very beginning of a remodeling project, homeowners spend WAY too much time and energy just trying to get proper designs and pricing from contractors.

The problem is, each time a homeowner meets with a contractor, they reinvent the wheel.  Each contractor has their own idea of what the design should be, and usually provide only a general overview of their ideas.  If specifics are not nailed down until later in the process, how can anyone compare apples-to-apples?

After weeks of meeting with contractors, the homeowner receives bids that are all over the place.  Contractor A put in $20 sq.yd. carpet, while Contractor B put in $35.  How about tile, plumbing, lighting?  Did contactor A put in builder grade while Contractor C put in top of the line?  It’s no wonder the prices vary greatly.  The homeowner is confused and left wondering what exactly has been included and if they’ll be happy with their choice in the end.

With our unique business model, we’ve solved that and many other issues homeowners don’t even know to be wary about.  That’s why we’re so passionate about our services.  We help homeowners realize their dreams instead of living the nightmare of becoming a project manager of their own remodeling job.

Check back frequently as we’ll be adding important articles and sharing information that will help you take control of your projects.

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