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How to Renovate Happy

Beyond Remodeling: Creating Personal Experiences that Touch the Heart

By September 10, 2019July 19th, 2021No Comments

Remodeling your home is about more than replacing kitchen cabinets and installing new flooring: it’s about transforming the way you and your family experience your home. We believe that transformation process should be an exciting and rewarding experience and it’s why we started Synergy in the first place!  

Renovate happy has always been more than just a slogan to us. We want every homeowner to have an incredible experience when they undertake a home remodel and that all starts with partnership and a personal connection.  Think about it…you can’t work together that long and not connect on a personal level, so taking time to honor that relationship through thoughtful, personalized gifts is a huge part of how we show our thanks for the trust placed in us.

Here’s a few examples of how we’ve said thank you – and hopefully brought a smile to some of our clients at the end of their project!

Preserving Childhood Memories

The first time we entered this home we saw the writing on the wall (literally)! Like a lot of families, they had marked their children’s heights over the years on a wall. Unfortunately, this particular wall was part of the demolition plan and needed to be removed to create the open concept they wanted in their home remodel. So we secretly went to work on preserving this important part of their family’s history. Without them knowing, we cut out the chart and kept it in our office. While we were transforming their home, we were also creating a custom framed case to house this treasured piece of history. At the end of their project, we presented it as a gift and they were beyond thrilled their treasured childhood memories were saved! 

A Meaningful Intention Painting

As part of every home remodel there is usually at least one wall that needs to be painted and we think that’s a great opportunity for an “Intention Painting”! An intention painting is simply writing your “intentions” on your wall before the final coat of paint. Think of it as a way of energetically stamping your intentions for your newly remodeled space onto your walls. Once the paint is applied, you no longer see the intention you’ve set, but you and your family will always know it’s there.

Some clients choose a favorite quote, poem or just something meaningful to them and their family. They’ve also gotten their kids involved (you’d be surprised at the insights they come up with). We LOVE the creativity our clients have put into their intention paintings over the years! Sometimes we’ve had such a hard time painting over their musings we’ve made personalized custom wall hangings to remind them of their creations after their remodel is finished.

Don’t Forget Fido!

We realize a home remodel can cause disruption to the everyday routine for all members of a household, including the furry kind! That’s why one of the items we discuss at the beginning of your project is your pets. Pets can get upset by the change home remodeling brings to their daily routine too, so it’s important to plan how to minimize that by creating a safe space for them. 

We’ve met some great pets over the years (we’ve even been known to take clients’ dogs out for a walk a time or two). Sometimes, even the most skittish of animals become our best friends by the end of the project (a particular Labradoodle turned into one Carpenter’s best buddies over the course of just a few weeks)!. It’s all part of our commitment that everyone in your family feels comfortable and has a great experience. We might even give your dog bowl an upgrade at the end of the project!  Read Mina’s 5 Tips to Help to Help Your Pet Survive A Renovation.  

A Space for the Grandkids!


Every client’s story is different. We work with empty nesters, families with young children, no children and/or couples who own second homes. Whatever the “why” behind your home remodel, there’s usually a common thread of the desire to create “home” for yourself, your family and your friends.

In this home remodel, out-of-town family often came to stay so it was important to provide a child-friendly space in their home for their grandchildren. Not only did we help with the Interior Design for this room, we completed the look with a child-sized comfy chair for reading books and relaxing with Grandma and Grandpa. 

A Handmade Home for Our Feathered Friends!

We’re lucky here in Northern Virginia to have wildlife aplenty.  Sometimes, the yard is the last thing you think about when you’re home remodeling – even if you are creating a new space that makes the most of your view! Since we believe everyone needs a safe place to call home (even our feathered friends), we chose to give one client a custom birdhouse at the end of their home remodel! Their newly remodeled family room had a great view of their wooded lot. This birdhouse was the perfect addition! It was handmade by a locally owned company and, like our home remodels, it’s long lasting and beautiful to look at!

Love the idea of having a more personalized experience when you’re remodeling your home? Our clients are never just a number, so if you’re ready to start your home remodel with a company who cares Get in touch! We’re in your neighborhood and part of your community and ready to help you renovate happy! 

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