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A Message Regarding COVID-19

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There is nothing more important to us than the health and well-being of our Synergy team and our clients. Like many others, we have been keeping a close eye on the developments and advice as it relates to COVID-19. This is a fast moving situation but we have taken immediate steps to ensure everyone’s safety. We will continue to monitor and follow the advice from the Centers for Disease Control and update you further in the following days and weeks as needed.

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  • We have actively encouraged additional hand hygiene and routine cleaning of all commonly touched surfaces. We have provided Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer and encouraged their frequent use throughout the day
  • We have asked our team to inform us immediately if they or any of their family members are displaying flu-like symptoms and/or have possibly been exposed to someone affected by COVID-19.  In the event this occurs, they will self-quarantine and not enter your home or the Synergy office. We will then be in immediate communication regarding next steps as it relates to any meetings you were scheduled to attend at our office or work scheduled in your home during your remodel
  • We have asked our Trade Partners to inform us immediately if any of their employees are displaying flu-like symptoms and/or have possibly been exposed to someone affected by COVID-19. In the event this occurs, we have requested their employees be directed to stay at home and not enter our job sites or the Synergy office
  • We have developed an emergency plan should we need to close the office but still have our team work remotely and meet our timelines and deliverables
  • We ask that you notify us immediately if you or any of your family members are displaying flu-like symptoms and/or have possibly been exposed to someone affected by COVID-19 so we can also protect the safety of our team

Our commitment to you and your family’s safety, as well as the safety of our team members and trade partners, is paramount. Our goal is to be cautious and vigilant – doing everything we can to keep you and your family safe.

Our promise is to keep you apprised of any situation that may arise and ask that you do the same.

In health,

The Synergy Team

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